One winter my brother Joe and I cut a large birch tree down and started making a saddle. We took another saddle apart and copied it. It turned out great and I’ve used it all my life. One early Sunday morning Joe and I saddled up and rode 13 miles to a man’s place that had a herd of unbroken horses. We corralled the horses and proceeded to halter break two wild horses. After snubbing them up to our saddle horns, and thinking they would lead, we started out for home. Down the road a ways, Joe’s horse pulled back and his cinch broke. Both green horses were soon galloping over the hills on the loose. After three or more hours of chasing them down in drizzling rain, we finally corralled them again, and again we started for home. This time making it home very late Sunday night. Quite a feat for two teenagers, even if I do say so myself.